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000104_ebain@ix.netcom.com _Sat Feb 17 15:43:24 1996.msg
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Return-Path: <ebain@ix.netcom.com>
Received: from ix3.ix.netcom.com by garcia.com (5.x/SMI-SVR4)
id AA13830; Sat, 17 Feb 1996 15:43:24 -0500
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id MAA07061; Sat, 17 Feb 1996 12:42:45 -0800
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 12:42:45 -0800
Message-Id: <199602172042.MAA07061@ix3.ix.netcom.com>
From: ebain@ix.netcom.com (Elliot Bain)
Subject: Re: BetacamSP demanding
To: lightwave@garcia.com
content-length: 949
Status: RO
You wrote:
>As some of you may remember, a while ago I finished my Demo Reel and I spend
>It's true that I can take my computer to their facilities and output the
>animation to their equipment, but I don't have Betacam output anyway...
>I have a VLab Motion card. I can reach an average of 70-75% quality with my
>WarpEngine/Seagate-Barracuda setup. Does anyone know what can I do to have
>BetacamSP output with this piece of crap?! Is there any kind of YUV component
>plug (or whatever it's called) as a add-on?! How did you solved this kind of
>output demanding problems?!
>Thanks a lot for your possible replies.
> __ _ _
> /_ /|/|
>/ / | fmartins@esoterica.pt
I don't mean to suggest the obvious, but you'll either have to get a BetaSP
machine or find someone to do a transfer for you. Clients don't care about
your problems, they've got plenty of their own, all they care about is
Elliot Bain
From ad636@torfree.net Sat Feb 17 17:31:28 1996
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Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 17:28:25 -0500 (EST)
From: Stephen Bowie <ad636@freenet.toronto.on.ca>
Subject: Re: The Envelope Please...
To: lightwave@garcia.com
In-Reply-To: 15333647803251@daka.com
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Status: RO
On Sat, 17 Feb 1996, Justin Barrett wrote:
> However, I agree with the general concensus of this thread. Each parameter
> should have its own keyframes, and I'm looking forward to the release which
> makes this wish come true! :) "When you wish upon a star....(which would
> have to be rendered as a lens flare, BTW)...."
At risk of getting in over my head <again>, this is how WCS does it's
magic....separate keyframe ability for each of x,y, and z for example.
Otherwise the motion editors are very similar to LW.
Wish I had more time/faster processor to play with it more!
Steve Bowie ad636@torfree.net
North York, Ontario, Canada
<<If I'm using this address, you gotta
KNOW my reg. ISP is down>>